The working group has completed it's task and submitted a report and recommendations to the Central Council for Church Bellringers.   This website is minimally maintained as an archive and a benchmark to measure future progress.



My journey!

In general I have spent my life bucking the trend on what girls and women are expected to do (sports, hobbies, career, temperament, family – well lack if it). For


When I learnt to ring in the late 70s it was definitely a male-dominated activity, and there were people about that didn't approve of

women in the bell tower. I


I was lucky as a young ringer to have encouragement to learn to call touches, go on a conducting course, call some quarters and even a peal. I had good

My story

I was ringing at a cathedral after a 12-bell. The person running the ringing and asked, in a cheeky way, if I would be ok Ringing the tenor.  I defo